Register and Recorder

Register of Wills/Recorder of Deeds/Clerk of Orphans’ Court

Kelsey Dunn - Register, Recorder & Clerk of Orphans Court Huntingdon County, Pa
In representing a 6th class county, the Huntingdon County Register & Recorders Office serves the public in three distinct areas: The Register of Wills; The Recorder of Deeds and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. This is an elected position with a four year term. The current Register and Recorder is Kelsey Dunn.

Kelsey is a resident of Logan Township and was born and raised in Huntingdon County. She is a 2006 graduate from Mt. Union and a 2009 graduate of YTI. Prior to being appointed as Interim Register, Recorder and Clerk of Orphans Court and while her husband was active duty Air Force, she was employed in the Medical Group as a Government contractor. Upon returning to Huntingdon County, she was employed in the Register, Recorder and Clerk of Orphans Court for 5 years as a Deputy and Chief Deputy. She is on the advisory counsel for the Americorps Retired Senior Volunteer Program and coaches cheerleading for the Eagles Peewee Football team. Kelsey also serves on the Training Committee and Guardianship Tracking System Governance Committee for the state of Pennsylvania.

The Register of Wills

Public records filed in the Register of Wills office are available online through Infocon.

Infocon link:

The Register of Wills decides the probate of the will of any resident decedent of the county, or of any non-resident decedent whose real estate lies within the county. She is the Agent for the Commonwealth for the collection of state inheritance taxes. The Register of Wills has jurisdiction over the probate of wills and fiduciary accounts, and maintains records on wills, inventories of estates, fiduciary accounts, inheritance taxes, and other miscellaneous records of estates.

The initial documents required for probating an estate are: Petition for Grant of Letters; the original Will/Codicil; a Death Certificate; An Estate Information Sheet along with applicable fees. When appropriate, the opening of an estate may require: Renunciations; Oaths of Subscribing or Non-Subscribing Witnesses, etc. It is recommended that the services of an attorney be used in processing an estate.

Forms can be found at the following sites:

Genealogy research often includes contacting this office. Huntingdon County does not employ genealogical researchers. Our records are open for the public to research during normal operating hours. There is no fee for researching and copies can be made for $.25 per page up to 11” x 17” in size. In addition, contact this office at 814-643-2740 for further information on genealogical research opportunities.

The Recorder of Deeds

The Recorder of Deeds maintains records and handles transactions related to real property in the county. Documents found in this office include, but not limited to, Deeds, Mortgages, Satisfaction of Mortgage, Releases, Subdivision Plans, Agreements/Easements, Highway Maps and Secured Transactions. Recorded documents relating to this office can be found dating from 1787 to present day. UPI (Uniform Parcel Identifier) is required by Huntingdon county. For additional information, click here:

Public records are available online through Infocon.  Documents filed in the Recorder’s office from 1982-present are available under the Recorder of Deeds Inquiry.  Documents filed in the Recorder’s office prior to 1982 would be available under the Old book Inquiry section.  If you have any questions, please contact the Recorder’s office at 814-643-2740.

Infocon link:

Military Discharge Records are also recorded in the Recorder of Deeds office and are secure records not open to the public. Service Discharge Records (DD-214) are only given to the Veteran who can show proper identification. Others requesting this information must contact the Veterans’ Affairs Officer at (814) 643-1360.

The Clerk of the Orphans’ Court

The Clerk of the Orphans’ Court is responsible for performing the administrative record keeping duties of that Court. This office process and maintain all guardianship papers for minors and incapacitated persons. Records pertaining to adoptions are filed in this office. Adoption records are sealed by the Court and are not open to the public without proper verification under Act 101.

The Clerk of Orphans’ Court also issues marriage licenses and maintains records of those licenses issued. Click here for marriage license requirements.

Marriage applications can be started online prior to your in-person appointment at .  Marriage licenses are done by appointment only in the Clerk’s office.  Both applicants must appear in person and bring to their appointment:

  1. A valid photo ID
  2. $55 CASH ONLY
  3. If married prior, a divorce decree or death certificate for the most recent marriage
  4. Applicants must know their social security number

Marriage licenses have a 3-day business wait time and are valid for 60 days from the issuance date.

Annual guardianship reports can be filed online at:

This office maintains records of births and deaths from the year 1894 to the year 1905. Birth and Death Certificates from 1906 to present are a record of the State of PA and must be requested from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of Vital Records. Click here to apply for a birth certificate

The Huntingdon County Register and Recorder is located in the Courthouse. The mailing address and phone number are:

Kelsey Dunn, Register and Recorder
Courthouse – 223 Penn Street, Huntingdon, PA 16652
Phone: 814-643-2740
Fax: 814-643-6849